Forward Data Conference Paris: Join the 1st Edition of the International Data & AI Conference

There are many Data & AI conferences out there. However, none truly bring together our community in its entirety.

They are either too commercial or too niche.

What we were missing in our landscape was a major Data & AI conference in France and Europe that unites and connects this community.

Thus, we gathered the best networks and individuals to launch a new project.

This is how Hymaïa joined forces with the Modern Data Network and Christophe Blefari to create the Forward Data Conference.

On November 25th, you have a date with the future of Data and AI.

A Major Data & AI Conference in Paris.

This conference is not just about individual interests or the popularity of keynote speakers.

From day one, our mission has been clear: Accelerating careers, growing teams, and shaping the future of the French Data community. Together.

Together. That’s the key. There will be no future for Data and AI without collaborative work and connection between different expertise and disciplines.

Through this conference, our goal is to create a hub for sharing and knowledge.

A time and place where :

  • Entire teams can come together and grow, with each member finding their path
  • Everyone can develop their T-Shape : deepening their main expertise and broadening their learning areas
  • Teams can share best practices and learn from each other
  • Silos give way to empathy and collaboration among all practitioners.

Inspire, Share, Learn Together

To achieve this, we have structured the conference around different axes:

  • Talks, of course, to share convictions and envision the future
  • Workshops and meetings, where teams can interact, debate, and learn together
  • Debates, with no soft consensus, to confront ideas and visions

In summary, not just top-down sessions, but fostering encounters and collective learning is our ambition.

3 Themes to Connect the Dots

Despite the potential diversity of topics for such a broad field, we have defined three themes representative of the main areas of activity and skills, as well as the composition of teams.

Strategy, Organization, Data & AI Products

This theme focuses on creating and growing Data teams, Data & AI Strategy, Data Mesh, and also Data & AI Product Management and the link between Product and Data.

AI & ML Engineering

The perfect place to discuss MLOps, AI (Generative or not), and ML Engineering.

Data & Analytics Engineering

Here lies the future of Data and Analytics Engineers. Topics include DataOps, Data Quality, Data Observability, Platform Engineering, Analytics Engineering, and Tracking.

300 Places to Facilitate ExchangesThis will be the first edition of the Forward Data. We prioritize the quality of the experience over quantity, aiming to create the kind of day we would love to experience ourselves.

How to Participate ?

Buying Tickets

We encourage companies to attend as a team. That’s why a 20% discount is offered for the purchase of a pack of 5 tickets. Here is the ticket page

Sponsoring the Event

Several sponsorship packages are available. Contact us directly to discuss.

For more information, visit the conference website and follow the Forward Data account to get insights on the organization!

Looking Forward to Forward Data!