Strategy, Organization & Products
Predict Room

Gérer les carrières dans la data : Comment ne plus jamais avoir peur de l’évaluation annuelle !

About the talk

Does all of this sound familiar to you? “I've been working here for six months and I feel stuck — I'm not learning anything anymore, and I feel like I'm stagnant.” Or maybe, “When will I get my next raise?” X just got one, what about me? Besides, Competitor 1 would pay me double.” If that resonates with you, participate in the workshop “Managing Data Careers: How to Never Stress Again for the Annual Review!” , a collaborative workshop where we will build together a skills framework using a methodology that has been proven in companies of 200 and 20 people, specially designed for data teams. This framework will provide you with a clear guide to help data professionals evolve throughout their careers, ensure fair promotions, and streamline salary decisions — without turning you into a robot applying a rigid and inadequate grid.

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